WHAT? We will record over 60 conversations between us and people who have lived in Crown Heights, Brooklyn for over 15 years. We plan to donate these interviews to Brooklyn Historical Society and present them to the community for a listening event in Spring 2010 to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Crow Hill Community Association.
WHY? By recording Crown Heights residents as they tell their stories, we will preserve the history of our neighborhood through the voices of the people who have lived it.
WHO? We are four students from Paul Robeson High School working to learn more about the history of our changing community.
Alex Kelly is new to Crown Heights and very curious about this neighborhood’s history. She graduated from Clark University in Worcester, MA, taking specific interest in Narrative Psychology.
After graduating, she went to Cambodia to teach theater and speech at Seametrey Children’s Village, a Montessori school.
From July 2008 – July 2009, she worked as a Facilitator for StoryCorps, the nation’s largest oral history project. She has facilitated over 600 conversations between people across the United States and helped to produce them for broadcast on National Public Radio.
Last summer, she conducted an oral history project in Bangor, Maine, working with 8 high school students to collect the stories of 15 homeless shelter residents for archive at a local library and for broadcast on a community radio station.
Contact Us
Our e-mail is CrownHeightsHistory@gmail.com or you can reach us by phone at 718-228-7928.
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